CABADA, Ladislav; WAISOVÁ, Šárka a kol. Security, Foreign and European Policy of the Visegrad Group

1. vyd. Praha: Metropolitan University Prague Press a Togga, 2018. ISBN 978-80-7476-140-9
After the disintegration of the Soviet bloc, the Visegrad Group became the most distinctive regional cooperation in the Central European area. Historically, the Central Europe symbolizes the region with extraordinary geopolitical sensitivity, located at the boundaries of great European macro-regions – West and East. After the fall of the Iron Curtain the nations situated within the region decided for ultimate inclusion into the Western integrative structures. Regardless the success of such effort and the EU and NATO-membership, also nowadays the Central European states reflect their peripheral position and try to face the threats and challenges to their security mutually. Our book analyse which strategies and approaches are preferred by the Visegrad Four and its member states in security and foreign policy, which threats are perceived as the most important and which measures and solutions are enforced, collectively or by individual states.