23/01/2014 - Sexual Violence in Ethno-Nationalist Conflicts: The Case of Former Yugoslavia

On 23 January 2014, the Metropolitan University Prague kindly hosted another of the STAR seminars, this time the discussion concerned a rather heavy topic: sexual violence in armed conflict.
Kateřina Krulišová (second-year PhD. candidate at IRES) introduced the theoretical underpinnings of current academic debate on the topic and presented selected case study: the conflict in the Former Yugoslavia, which provoked lively and open debate not only about the causes of this problem, but also possible solutions.
Kateřina Krulišová is a second-year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of International Relations and European Studies. Throughout her studies, she has focused on sexual violence in the context of international relations, the role of women in international security, and gender and security studies.
STAR (Student Audience for Research) runs a series of free seminars every academic year. The seminars are designed for students from MUP Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Degree programmes, as well as for all interested public from other institutions. STAR seminar series serve as a laboratory for students, practitioners, and interested parties to freely discuss issues of various importance and interest, share and brainstorm ideas, get new insights.