08/11/2013 - Cold War Engagements: Czechoslovakia and Latin America
Ibero-American Centre (IAC) of the Department of International Relations and European Studies (IRES) at Metropolitan University Prague, and the Centre for Ibero-American Studies (SIAS) of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University Prague organised a conference entitled ‘‘Cold War Engagements: Czechoslovakia and Latin America”.
The conference inquired into Czechoslovakia‘s political, economic and cultural relations with the countries of Latin America in the second half of the 20th century, bringing together the results of recent archival research. By exploring and mapping the current state of the knowledge, the event enriched our understanding of this aspect of Cold War international relations.
For outcomes of the conference, see selection of articles at the Central European Journal for Security Studies 7:3, 2013: http://www.cejiss.org/issue/2013-volume-7-issue-3.
For further reports on the konference, see: MupTimes.cz.