04/03/2020 - Environmental Policy in Brazil: Challenge to the Amazon

The Ibero-American Centre (IAC) at Metropolitan University Prague is pleased to invite you to the open lecture entitled "Environmental Policy in Brazil: Challenge to the Amazon".
WHEN: Wednesday, 4 March 2020 10:30–11:50
WHERE: MUP Prague-Strašnice Building, Dubečská 900/10, room 206
Renato Ortega (Undergraduate at the Federal University of São Paulo, in Brazil, Intern at the Ibero-American Centre in MUP)
Marília Pereira de Oliveira (Undergraduate at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in Brazil, Intern at the Centre of European Studies of MUP)
Moderated by Kateřina Březinová, the head of the Ibero-American Centre (IAC) at Metropolitan University Prague
Once seen as a global leader on climate change and environmental protection, Brazil's current policies under president Jair Bolsonaro, represent an unprecedented change. The Amazon Fires in 2019 not only highlighted the contradictions between the Brazilian environmental diplomacy and its domestic policies, but also the complex global power dynamics that are reflected in the international environmental regimes.