03/05/2022 - Government Export Support

Department of International Business cordially invites you to a guest lecture of Prof. Andreas Klasen from Hochschule Offenburg on Government Export Support.
WHEN: Tuesday 3 May 2022 at 3:30 pm
via MS Teams
If you wish to be added as a guest, please contact Lea Melnikovová at lea.melnikovova@mup.cz
Government export support is a widely used instrument of economic policy. The main reason for such support is the existence of a commercially uninsurable political risks in some countries and government support helps to resolve the unavailability of commercial instruments for some loan applicants.
The lecture will be structured as follows:
- global trade environment with a focus on multipolarity and fragmentation,
- background and rationale of government export support,
- instruments, in particular finance and insurance offerings,
- selected political, economic and legal aspects, as well as
- recent trends (e.g., Ukraine war, climate finance, innovation and trade).