08/04/2015 - Integration of the Roma Minority in the Czech Republic

The Department of International Relations and European Studies cordially invites you to an interactive seminar on the topic of Integration of the Roma Minority in the Czech Republic. To mark the International Romani Day, the seminar will focus on minority rights issues with particular emphasis on the integration of Romas into Czech society.
Date: 8 April 2015
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Venue: room 305 of MUP Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Prague 10
Guest Speaker: Martin Kovalčík, People in Need Czech Republic
Please make sure to register at http://registrace.mup.cz.
HuRT is a recently established platform for discussion on various human rights issues; its aim is to give MUP students an opportunity to discuss thought-provoking and often controversial issues with representatives of external institutions concerned with human rights.