28/03/2024 - NGO Diplomacy: The Case of Cuba, Dominican Republic and Venezuela

Iberoamerican centre of Metropolitan University Prague cordially invites you to an open lecture by Mgr. Lucia Argüellová, an EU Delegation to the Dominican Republic diplomat in 2021–2023 "NGO Diplomacy: The Case of Cuba, Dominican Republic and Venezuela".
WHEN: 28 March 2024, 15:45–17:00
WHERE: MUP Prague-Strašnice building, Dubečská 900/10, Room 003
Over the past thirty years nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have played an increasingly influential role in international relations and diplomacy, particularly on human rights and environmental issues. NGO diplomacy has become, in the words of one practitioner, an “international experiment in democratizing intergovernmental decision making.” What are practice-driven examples of NGO diplomacy concerning political developments in Cuba and Venezuela? How does NGO diplomacy manifest itself in Dominican Republic?
Lucia Argüellová worked at the EU Delegation to the Dominican Republic between 2021–2023 with an agenda of social cohesion, migration, culture, gender, human rights and civil society. Earlier, she directed the Latin American programming at the NGO People in Need. She is a graduate of the Metropolitan University and she was an associate researcher at its Ibero-American Center.
Open lecture is followed by a discussion moderated by Dr. Kateřina Březinová, the Head of Iberoamerican Centre of the MUP.