10/07/2018 - 12/07/2018 - The 29th SVU World Congress

Marking the Sixty Years of the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences, commemorating the Centennial of the First Czechoslovak Republic and celebrating 100 years of Czech-American friendship.
The 29th SVU World Congress was organized by SVU in collaboration with Metropolitan University Prague and the SVU Praha Chapter, with the key social events sponsored by the Standing Senate Commission on Compatriots Living Abroad, supported by U.S. Embassy Prague, the Czech Senate, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Academic Program in Detail:
Program of Day 2 and Day 3
More information at https://www.svu2000.org
Projekt je podpořený grantem Velvyslanectví USA v Praze.
Projekt je podpořený grantem Ministerstva zahraničních věcí České republiky.
Společenské části kongresu*) jsou pořádány Stálou komisí Senátu pro krajany žijící v zahraničí.